Rubis Health

Hospital Flow and Stretcher Porter Management Software

Rubis Health

Stretcher Porter Management Module

With our user-friendly and intuitive platform, simplify the management of internal transports and ensure smooth and efficient coordination of stretcher services. Your patients will benefit from better care and enhanced safety.

Patient transportation

Order all internal transport needs: wheelchair, stretcher, or ambulatory

Patient transportation
Simultaneous transports

Ability to assign multiple tasks to stretcher bearers simultaneously according to defined rules

Simultaneous transports
Other transports

Management of specific transport needs (blood samples, specimens, equipment, documents, etc.)

Other transports

Dedicated interfaces for each user profile.

Offer a personalized experience to each user. With dedicated interfaces for each profile, our solution simplifies the management of internal transport.

Connector with the patient file

Automatic retrieval of patient information for transport without the need for re-entry.

HL7 SIU appointment & ADT identity movement connectors

  • Creation of missions for the operating room, imaging, etc.
  • Automatic modification of patient movements in Rubis Health.

Transport order

Entering information:
  • Stages of the journey
  • Date and time of appointment
  • Mode of transport
  • Transport specifics

Triggering the next step.

It is possible that the care unit is not the origin of the request, but rather a passing point. In such cases, it can trigger the next step with a single click.

100% automatic
100% manual

Example : 100% automatic mode

Centralization of tasks

Storage of pending tasks in a theoretical daily schedu

Automatic activation of the algorithm

Real-time analysis of personnel allocation based on different priority criteria of the facility

Task assignement

The task is sent to the stretcher-bearers’ mobile devices via the mobile app, without human intervention

Réception de la mission sur Smartphone

Informations envoyées directement sur l’application mobile

Scan du bracelet d'identité des patients - identitovigilance

L’application mobile permet de scanner le bracelet du patient afin de s’assurer de son identité au moment de la prise en charge

Passage des états de la mission

Le brancardier déclare dans l’application mobile l’avancée de la mission, qui remonte dans l’interface de l’unité de soins et de supervision

All the collected data feeds the Business Intelligence module for flow analysis: punctuality, forecasting, activity distribution, prescriber, etc.


Benefits for everyone!